Professor: So what did you do friday nigth? Student: we went to LIV but it was no good Professor: why is that? Student: well because we paid to get a open bar and then we arrived and they give us like 3 bottles for 60 people so nobody...

Girl 1: You have to be really careful in the eastern Europe Girl 2: Two day ago, no yesterday, I was in the bus and talked to the driver, he told me he was going to Ukraine because he wanted to meet woman, I mean why did...

I was staring at her all the trip, she also look at me a few times and smile,I thought fuck it im going to talk to her. The station came and she went out througth  the other door, I had to face reality,I am never seeing...

In the upside-down world people walk with their hands and greet with their feet. In the upside-down world kids raise their parents and ice cream comes before salad. In the upside-down world, I am a youthful adult turning into a mature kid and this story is just about...

- The doctor said it was the most beautiful circumcision ever saw. - Circumcisions are horrible. - No they are a tradition, and they are good for men. In the case of my baby, it was a beautiful tradition. -Well, I guess some day he'll thank you for...

There they were, holding hands and walking down the street in my direction. As they got closer I could feel myself shaking, anxiety gripping me at my core. We passed each other and she didn’t notice me. It was starkly apparent, she had become someone... Exposition: A young boy walks down a hallway dressed in a Darth Vader costume. Rising Action: He, unsuccessfully, tries and use "the force" or everything from an exercise bike to the family's dog. Climax: His father pulls up in a Volkswagen and the bo tries to use...