I felt miserable and desperate. The dog beside me smelled horrible.  As more people comes in, my anxiety just gets worst. Its been a long, busy day. After many stops, I finally get to the 21st floor and  exit the elevator, just to notice I...

It's better to take and cite than to veil your inspiration. He spent hours trying to cover his up but the source still showed up. If you have many sources they will become pieces to your puzzle. Then you become the puzzle and I will...

(Person 1) Hey did you signed the letter for the construction in front? (Person 2) Yea they told me about but I just got here I was in Orlando. But yea they told me about it what a mess. (Person 1) Hopefully everyone collaborates.  ...

“Man, just do it like this:” The man paused for a few seconds, probably to create some tension. And then, “Take a screenshot of the email you sent her and just fucking forward that to her, be like: I told you not to do this.” “Yeah, I...

As she walked down the asile a bird entered de church and pooped on her veil, everybody was shocked, a few seconds passed in silence, all the church kept staring at her, then the bride let go an hysterical laughter. The groom felt he wanted to...