Man on the phone (halfway through the convo): I wanted to ask you… eh, tomorrow we have the technical team stopping by the facility in eh, Kendall, and … alo? Alo? Si, I can barely hear you.” Pause. “Ok, now it’s better. So like I was saying, can...

As the couple takes a look at the last house, she tells him she loves that house. "Besides the beautiful lay out, it has a great patio", she says. "Do you think he'll like it?" she asks. "Who?" he responds. (she rubs her belly and looks at him) "Your...

(Barber 1) Hey when are we going for some Coronas and seafood? (Barber 2) Let me know man! We can go to that same place we went last time in Miami Beach. Great food and good prices. (Barber 1) Let me check my schedule and see how am I this...

"There's nothing like inhaling a fresh sea breeze." He was in his thoughts and to himself, but then she walked by. They had a history and it was his chance, step by step she grew closer. Finally ...

As his daughter dropped him at the nursing home, he sees a very familiar woman. "who is that?" his daughter asked him. "nothing" he responds. The next day he sees her reading in the patio and sits next to her. "I knew some day I'd see you again" she...

(Professor) Did you like the pizza? The one with chicken is really good. (Student) Yes they're all good. Did you tried the dessert? (Professor) Yes everything haha...

The lonesome man craved warmth. He lived on his own. On his way to the store, a beautiful woman smirked at him so he spoke with her. Hours later and no word. In a gloom he checked his phone...