Eavesdrop dialogues.   Publix check. Cashier: That will be $45.66 Customer: *starts writing a check* Cashier: It’s been a while since someone offered one of those… Customer: ha! ha! Sorry, my card got cloned and now I have to use checks until I get a new one. Cashier: Yikes! I understand. Thanks!...

The no-good fella.   It was another night and Claire could hear someone banging on her house door. In the background, she heard her mother yelling at her father to not answer the door. It was a loud argument and one noisy scene that she drowned with...

The Wasabi Diaries. *Plane starts to descend* *As it touches down at Tokyo’s Haneda international airport, Johanna looks out the window and enthusiastically turns ON her roaming to text her friend Lisa* Johanna writes: Who’s ready for some sake-sake, baby! …just landed [/insert happy Japanese emoji teehee!] Lisa writes...

The plane touched down hard and Christin was abruptly jarred awake. Tokyo, population of 9.2 million people, how would she ever find him in the sea of strange faces. In this insane bustling environment, it would for sure be a challenge. Walking through the airport and...

The plane touched down hard and I was abruptly jarred awake. Tokyo, population of 9.2 million people, how would I ever find him in the sea of strange faces. In this insane bustling environment, it would for sure be a challenge. Walking through the airport and...

It was 1947 and Martha Kowalski was 18 today. She was so excited she could hardly contain herself. She finished packing her suitcase and hid it in the back of closet where no one would notice. Downstairs she could hear everyone arriving for her party. Her...

Woman: “Am I missing something, I just don’t get it” Man: “ You aren’t missing anything, let’s go” Woman: “ We must be missing something, look at everyone gawking over it” Man: “Its shit, lets go”   Girl: “Who wants to go to Wynwood?” 2nd girl: “We always go to Wynwood,...

GAP A conversation between two sales women in a GAP store. One of them is extremely tall and the other one average height. The smaller woman starts the conversation with an intriguing look. - Do you know the other day Brian came late to work?  Says putting my clothes into...

VW Cross Up: Toilets DDB Worldwide  What is the most stressing moment you can experience in a normal day? Every time you are in a rush to the bathroom for any reason and you ara running late. But, what is the most relaxing moment of the day? Every time you...