Angelo’s up’s and down’s It was a quiet day filled with uncertainty and disappointment for Angelo. You see, this month was rough; packed with rejections and financial struggles, of those he pondered from his sketching desk. But little did he know he would get a call...

Direct TV - Peyton on Sunday Morning: Exposition: Former NFL quarterback Peyton Manning stands at the front of the checkout line at a grocery store wearing a bathrobe. The cashier is scanning his items. No one is phased by the fact that a legendary professional athlete...

Two men entered the room from a door on the far right. Janet, who had been gazing around at the stone basins scattered about the room, looked up and saw to her surprise that one of them appeared to be European. The other, a Japanese...

“You cannot step foot into our tree house, we don’t like gingers here!” yelled the group of boys. “Welcome to Ginger Bread Tree House where only girls rule and all boys are banned. Here we enjoy the view of the mountain and jump into the...

Premonition It was December 3rd, 2017. You told me you loved me, and I couldn’t say it back. We had a good run. Seven months of okay brunch dates and mediocre Netflix dates and average naps. I took out my notebook and read our breakup poem out...

#1:   “WAIT!” My cry split the early morning silence with surprising intensity. She turned, already halfway down the hall. “What?” “What if I told you I love you?” Her deadened eyes found mine. “Love is freedom, not a lasso. Don’t use it like one.” She walked on, having seen through me.   #2:   The...

  “And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.”  ― Sylvia Plath, The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath...