2 MINUTES Deep in the heart of the Amazon jungle lived a grumpy jaguar named Jasper. Jasper was the largest and most powerful cat in all the land, and he was feared by all that came in his path. He spent most of his time sulking...

Dialogue #1 P1: “I told you $249.” P2: “Ok, well, whatever it is it’s a lot less.” P2: “I will call you tomorrow morning. This lady will be waiting for the package to be delivered around 8-9am.” P1: “Well, let’s keep like that. The logical thing to do is...

"Night sweats" Johnny woke up one night with sound of sirens. It wasn’t the usual sirens from emergency vehicles. These were different. He got up to look outside only to be scared by the opening of his bedroom door, as his father shouted: “Let’s go, Johnny. We need...

We're All From Here (2 min) I say I am not from here, but here is where I was born. I say I am not from here because at home, we speak Spanish. I say I am not from here because I have dark hair, brown eyes, and...

"The Starving King" 2min There once was a king who loved to be thin. He asked everyone in the kingdom for their honest opinion. Everyone gathered around in the king’s square. They waited, and waited, for the trumpets to sound. The king took his time, as he wanted to...

Detox Eats “Babyyy, how are you?” “Fine and you?” “I’m good. What are you eating?” “A salmon detox salad thing. I don’t know what’s in it. I don’t care about the detox part, but it’s really good.”   Weekend Shopping “I’m going car and apartment-shopping this weekend!” “Nice. For yourself?” “Well, my boyfriend needs...

A Beautiful World She sat in the dark, sobbing, absent-minded. Lately, her room was the only place she felt safe. She had enjoyed being a twin, but ever since she hit puberty, she knew the end was near. And everyone else seemed to know, too. They had...

The Bestest Friend     [audio m4a="http://www.theplatypuslair.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Bestest-Friends.m4a"][/audio] [audio m4a="http://www.theplatypuslair.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Best-Best-Friend-1-Min-1.m4a"][/audio] [audio m4a="http://www.theplatypuslair.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Best-Friend-30-Sec-1.m4a"][/audio]...