Let’s be real. We all know that Lifetime is a women’s channel, but is it really women who watch it most of the time? I don’t believe that. It’s got everything men want to watch, other than sports, it has the next best thing: Drama,...

Robert Frost Fire & Ice "Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice. From what I've tasted of desire I hold with those who favour fire. But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate To say that for destruction ice Is also...

Pay The Price The year 2000 was the last good year. It was like a magical seal for a bright future ahead. Until, the seal was broken in New York City by the butterfly that started the hurricane. Our world was dying. Earth had become a...

Writer’s Block   Crunch Crunch that’s the sound   Of a midnight snack for a   Writer with a block   Game Night   It’s time for game night   Where is the party cracker   Ritz where fun begins   Couldn’t Have Just One   Breaking all the rules   Crispy thin oven-baked ritz, oh my!   I can’t help myself ...

It was a  cold December night in Toronto.  A weird ship had been hovering around Jimmy's town.  As they're walking out of their baseball game, Jimmy and his friend Daniel, saw the ship come down and take a lady with a kid. As they vigorously ran...

Today, I decided to begin acupuncture treatment to better myself and live a healthier, happier life. Today, I also found out I’m a hemophiliac. FML.     I really, really like camping. I love it. The being outside, the roughing it, the survival skills, I love everything about...

Assonance I didn’t think the kid would be big. Bickering about the licking of a stick of cool whip. Steel yourselves for the meat of the green tree’s leaves.   Chiasmus The problem is not how I will take the position, but rather how the position will...

A lost art   Enjoy it now kid, no one cares that you drew cats when you get older Teach em young   You don’t need a phone when you’re still in second grade, go play outside kids     You shouldn’t let tigers have pliers   Everyone knows about tigers, they’re big and they’re strong, but not flyers. About that...