

Noel was indecisive. She had a lot of ambition and quite a bunch of disposition, but she was always afraid of what she might lose. She was afraid of regretting her choices, of limiting her options by making the wrong choice. So, she had a hard time making a decision: she would overthink it, spend nights analyzing every angle of every possibility. A recipe for frustration, but at the same time, Noel was sharp. She came from a wealthy family in New York – her father owned a major technology company – and had a Degree in International Business and Finance. She was meticulous, delicate in the way that she spoke and a calm person. She had an eye for details and a strong visual memory. Above all, Noel was great with people: charismatic and sensitive, she knew how to avoid confrontations and charm people into doing what she wanted.

She now worked as a Business Director at a major apparel company who had been aggressively attempting to buy its Japanese rival, which was quickly expanding into the US.

Noel had been sent to Tokyo to convince the rival’s CEO, Takeshi Okada, to negotiate.

Noel was white, 5’6’’ tall and very thin. She had a long, dark brown hair and green eyes that popped. She liked wearing black, a red lipstick, and a Channel perfume. She ran in the mornings, drank wine at night, and read a lot of murder novels. She was 27 and single. No brothers or sisters, a distant mother and a stepmother who enjoyed partying too much, and a father who still treated her like a princess.




Steven was 30, but still a bit reckless. He was generally anxious, didn’t like spending too much time on things, and was often impulsive in his actions. He never thought too much of them, unless his attitude accidentally hurt someone he loved. He didn’t hide it, he was a very affectionate and empathetic guy: attentive toward everyone, willing to take risks and get out of his own way for his family and friends, always ready to laugh. He was good having good laughs or making other people laugh and loved being the center of attention. He was full of friends, and always doing something. He played the guitar, freelanced as a videographer, but wanted to create his own brand, an idea for a new app that, he hoped, would revolutionize the shopping experience. Originally from San Francisco, Steven had traveled the world. He was tall, 5’11, had a dark hair and blue eyes. His skin was always tanned, he always found a way to get to the beach, a golden tone that made him glow. He was a bit too cocky, unconsciously bragged about himself, and was used to being adored. One younger sister, a mom that worked as a Psychologist and a dad who worked for Twitter.


For now, he was in Tokyo, one of the destinations on his list and a great opportunity to spice up his photography portfolio. It was the beginning of spring and the cherry trees were blossoming, which was iconic.

Julia Garicochea