Characters + Story Tokyo


Mayu is a young Japanese, he lives in Tokyo in a very poor neighborhood just him and his dog, Lio, he named after the football player because he is crazy about football and don’t miss a match, his dog is his best friend, he adores him and takes him to work every day, Mayu works carrying tourists in a carriage, he make just enough money to eat and take care of Lio.

His dream is to have his own football bar in Tokyo so all sports fans can go to watch the games.

Mayu is taller than the average asian people, and he is strong because of his work, he have very blue eyes that are just impossible not to notice, dark short hair and a deep voice.

Delfina is a Argentinian girl, she works in a restaurant in Tokyo very fancy and expensive, she moved 5 years ago because she loved the cousin and wanted to learn more about it, she wants to have her own restaurant some day. She is sad in Tokyo because she is very lonely and not that good at making friends, so she is very homesick most of the time, she is a little overweight blonde and small, very insecure about the way she looks, but she have a very pretty face and nose.

Her biggest fear is to return to argentina and work in a regular sushi restaurant, thats why she cant give up, thats why she have to keep living in Tokio to find her opportunity to become a great chef


Delfina was exited because her friend Maria was coming to Tokyo for a week, she missed her so much, Maria is a very enthusiastic woman so is always funny to be with her, Delfina picked her up at the airport and they went to Delfinas house, talked all night laugh and catch up, they haven’t seen each other in 5 years.

Mayu woked up like every morning and went with Lio to work, Mayu always let Lio pick the place they were going to work so he just followed him and hope for the best, that day was beautiful and Lio went straight to Sensō-ji.

They were just walking for one hour without picking any clients, Mayu wanted to go but Lio refuse and sat down waiting, suddenly a blonde girl shout:Hey can you give us a tour around ?, It was maria

it was maria and Delfina was following her catching her breath. 

Delfina was in a great mood, saw Lio and started caressing him, Mayu liked her instantly. they got in the carriage and went to the park has was five blocks from there, Maria had his phone map and wanted to go by a shortcut, but Mayu told her that it was a dangerous neighborhood, she insisted and asked him to got.

As they were going thru a very dark allay some noises started to appear little by little, then 3 dogs showed and went to attack Mayu, but Lio got in the fight, the street dogs were brutally biting Lio, Mayu got in and got bitten in the arm, he was injured, without thinking it Mayu took Lio put it in the carriage and run away.

Lio was very injured bleeding all over his body and Mayu wanted to take him to de veterinary, but Delfina insisted to take Mayu to get some stiches in his arm, Mayu denied and they went to the veterinary Maria didn´t want to go with them, she didn´t care about Lio´s health so she went to do a city tour, but Delfina wanted to stay, she was so impressed by the way Mayu and Lio took care of each other. While they were waiting Delfina looked all time at Mayu and he was so worried that he hide his wound so they wont go to the hospital. So Delfina asked for some bandages and started taking care of his wound, while doing thats she tried to talk to Mayu about something else.

-Must be nice to have a friend like that; Delfina said

-Yes it is… he is strong, he will be fine; he said wanting to believe it.

They talked about everything for almost an hour.

One hour have passed and the Veterinarian came to the waiting room and told that Lio probably wont make it he had lost too much blood, so Mayu went inside to say goodbye to him, he told Delfina that she could go home, so he went inside till Lio died, he was on his knees crying in Lio´s bed, and Delfina came in and got on his knees and hug him, they stayed there for a long time.

They went together that day and had dinner in Delfinas restaurant, Mayu wanted to be with her every that, he was used to the company, and Delfina was never alone again.

They went together to live in Barcelona, they opened a football bar ,Delfina cooked, Mayu waitress and put all the games on the screens, on the wall there is a Messi´s shirt with Lio´s picture on it.

Hernan Irrazabal