Children Story – Kiko

"The Starving King"


There once was a king who loved to be thin. He asked everyone in the kingdom for their honest opinion.

Everyone gathered around in the king’s square. They waited, and waited, for the trumpets to sound.

The king took his time, as he wanted to look good. Looking good always put him in the happiest of moods.

He marched outside for all to see. Without any wait, the king asked away:
“Who in this kingdom is the thinnest of them all?”

To which the crowd responded:
“You my king! You are the thinnest royal of them all!”
The king bowed in appreciation and quickly left for his afternoon Harlequin demonstration.

The night went well, until a rattle was felt. A strong earthquake had demolished the castle and the King’s clothes now were all covered in dirt and without tassels.

He roamed the streets, demanding attention. He needed everyone’s help to build back his castle, but no one would listen. They didn’t seem to care.

The King felt angry and went to the market, where he demanded food to be provided. The villagers didn’t recognize him covered in dust and gravel. So, they asked for his payment to quickly unravel.

Offended by such gesture, the King threaten to send them to the dungeon. But everyone laughed at the crazy beggar who had no notion.

The days went by and the King grew thinner and thinner. Until finally looking like he needed five dinners.

The King didn’t want to be thin anymore. He hated having to sleep on the floor.

An old lady passed by and saw the King who looked like a man in distress. She asked him if he would like to work at her farm in exchange for food and a roof over his head. The hungry King would do anything for bread, so he went ahead and said “yes” to the old lady.

The castle was never built, and King became a humble villager who learned the value of loving others for who they are and not how they look like.



There once was a king who loved to be thin.

He gathered everyone around for their opinion to sound aloud.

He took his time to look good. It was this, that put him in a good mood.

He went outside and asked:
“Who is the thinnest of the all?”

Everyone shouted:

“You my king! You are the thinnest royal of them all!”

The king bowed and left in a hurry.

The night went well until a rattle was felt. An earthquake had demolished the castle, leaving the king covered in dust and no tassels.

He roamed the streets looking for help, but no one cared. He demanded food to his villagers, but everyone laughed at the crazy beggar with the face of a pillager.

The King became angry and hungry. He grew thinner and thinner, until he needed at least five dinners.

An old lady saw him and took him to her farm. She helped him eat and care with great charm.

The castle was never built and the King learned to be humble. He loved everyone for who they were and not how they looked.


There once was a King who wanted to be thin.

He took his time to look good. This put him in a great mood.

He asked his villagers:

“Who is the thinnest of the all?”

To which they answered:
“You my King! You are the thinnest royal of them all!”

The king left happy and the night went well. Suddenly, an earthquake was felt. The castle came down and the king was left without home.

He asked for help but no one cared. He asked for food but no one spared. He was now a beggar. A lonely beggar.

Feeling thinner and thinner, until an old lady asked him to come eat dinner.

The castle was never built and the humbled King lived in the old lady’s farm with his quilt.

Francisco Martinez