
Puppy Monkey Baby

Brian collapsed on the couch next to his two friends, Derek and Dre. They had just arrived from the airport and were staying with him for the weekend. An impromptu college reunion seemed like a great way to make them forget how shitty post-grad life was.

The boys were back.

Despite being Friday night, they all felt the toll of a 9 to 5 and going out was the last thing they needed.   

“Man, I might just chill tonight” said Dre.

The other two nodded in agreement.

Before anyone could suggest an alternative, a part of the wall opened up, revealing a secret passage way.

“What the fuck?” they all thought.

They watched as a two legged creature walked towards them and climb up on the coffee table.

“Dude, are we high right now?”

Upon further inspection, they saw it was a hybrid of a puppy, monkey, and baby.

The animal, if that was even what you could call it, had the head of a pug, the torso of a monkey, and the legs of a baby donned in a diaper. It was holding an ice bucket filled with cans of beer?

It didn’t strike fear as much as curiosity.

Reaching into its diaper, it pulled out a rattle and started chanting “puppy monkey baby”.

The shaking of the rattles increased as well as the chants.

Soon, a melody was created.

Every friend was handed a can as the puppy monkey baby danced on each of them, affectionately licking their faces.

As they cracked open the can and tasted the contents, their energy slowly replenished.

Soon, they were up and being led by the puppy monkey baby out the door to the beats of the rattle.

They danced down the hall, feeling the same fervor they felt in college before a night of keg stands, shooters, and questionable hookups.

The boys were back.

Nature Love Story

King Winter walks through the forest, its trees stripped of foliage and blanketed in sheets of snow.

He braves the frigid winter winds, walking from one end of the forest to the other like he does every day. The forest’s harsh snowstorms and sleet make it uninhabitable for most.

He catches a glimpse of green in the distance. It’s Mother Nature, entwined with flowers and radiating light.

For once, he felt warm.

He approached her slowly, admiring her beauty and grace. She sees him and smiles. Her hand extends, inviting his.

His fingers melt upon her touch.

Frightened, she gasps and runs away.

He calls out to her, asking her to stay.

He spends his days wandering the forest, not aimlessly like he did before, but in search for her.

He sees her alone on a tree trunk, melancholy and glum. He hates to think that he had caused this.

He sits down next to her, gently as to not frighten her.

She gives him an apologetic look.

He smiles and rests his hand on his, leaving it there as his hand melts, followed by his arm, and soon, his whole being.

He would have rather died knowing what love was than to have lived without.  

Pay the Price PSA

Ryan removes his headphones as his mom frantically tries to get his attention.

“Have you heard a single word I said? Dad will be home at 7 and I’ve cooked for you both, okay? Love you.”

A quick kiss on his cheek and she was out the door.

He heads to the kitchen to grab some cereal.

His daily morning routine was simple.

Breakfast, shower, school.

He puts his dirty bowl in the sink and heads upstairs.

The shower takes longer than usual to get warm.

He finishes up.

Heads back downstairs, vomits, and collapses on the floor.

He lands on a glass table, shards of glass piercing his body.

He stumbles to get out his phone, struggling to dial 911.

He fades in and out of consciousness, struggling to breathe.

He had made the concoction of pills while raiding his mom’s cabinet, unaware today would be his last.
Maidenly Pham