
*We can see de exposition of the video when he’s introducing and describing what he’s about to present.

*The rising action is when he starts getting interrupted.

*The climax is when he uncovers the Verizon sign.

*The falling action is the description of  the product at the end.


*In this ad, the exposition is the product itself.  A glass of whiskey sitting by the bar as one of the protagonist of the commercial grabs it to take a sip.

*The rising action of this commercial would be when before taking a sip from the glass, the character sees the woman at the end of the bar and its hypnotized by her as she walks towards him.

*The climax of the ad is when the character notices she was approaching his dad, that was behind him.

*The falling action is at the end when she and his dad are holding as he tells him “Nice turtle neck” and his dad describes the product in the closing of the commercial.




Jose Padilla