Conspiracy Theories

“Why are you so angry?”

“Jesus! Man, I’m tired of it!”

“Tired of what, man? I’m tired of you pulling me in here. What are you tired of?”

“I’m, I’m pissed. You know why? Cuz I’ve been doing that research on the Tube.”

“Uggh! You need to stay off the Tube. It’s go have you stressed out like this. You outta control.”

“You understand what I just found out dawg? I found out…that Tupac…is STILL alive!”

“Oh lord. You saw him? Yourself?”

“I mean, I saw apparently he been on Snapchat, Instagram; he got selfies out here in these streets.”

“Come on man. Cut it out.”

“I mean, have you heard about that – Tupac still being alive?”

“I’ve always heard that, but I’ve been like ‘uhhhn’.”

“What do you think though? You don’t think it’s a lie? You don’t think he might have faked his own death like Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson?”

“I don’t think Elvis faked his own death.”

“Awwww man! Come on man!”

“Elvis really dead out here.”

“How many white people done seen Elvis Presley since, huh?”

“Huh? How many what?”

“They say he’s like Big Foot, they keep seeing him.”

“Nah man. Everybody look like Elvis out here. They getting paid for that. Elvis is dead! His diet was horrible.”


“His body couldn’t maintain.”

Denzel Currie