

A conversation between two sales women in a GAP store.

One of them is extremely tall and the other one average height.

The smaller woman starts the conversation with an intriguing look.

– Do you know the other day Brian came late to work? 

Says putting my clothes into a bag

Yeah I heard about it. 

The taller one answers without paying much attention to the conversation.

But do you know exactly why he came late?

She asks again with an intense and surprised look.

Mmm because of the traffic?

The small woman lowers her tone of voice so that nobody can hear her.

– He came late because he had to take Emma´s kids to school. 

The face of the taller woman started to change into a surprised cartoon face and with her mouth wide open she stuttered a few words that I couldn’t hear.

The smaller woman answered:

Well if he took her kids thats because there is something going on. Duh!!

An intense silence between both of them appeared.

The taller one asked:

-And does anybody else know about this?


Of course nobody knows about it. A a boss with a trainee, can you imagine? Nobody must know!

And immediately after saying it out loud she covered her mouth with her hands.

The taller women told her to shush.


– BAR –

Friday night at Las Rosas bar.

Two girls discuss about which shot should they get.

The older one starts the conversation.

– Okay, so I am in for Tequila but I hate vodka so you can choose between tequila or whisky.

-Oh god I hate vodka too. But I challenge you to take 2 shots, one of tequila and another one of whisky at the same time. 

Says the other girl.

-No fucking way I am doing that. Are you crazy you know that if you want me to be dancing all night its not going to work with shots.

She finishes her drink with a preoccupied look.

– Don’t be like that, come on, you have to accept this challenge and then I will accept whatever challenge you want. 

She also drinks in one time her drink.

– Okay. If I do it you have to kiss that girl over there.

She points to a pretty girl who is standing in the other side of the bar with a friend.

– A girl!? 

She shouts loud with a big cheeky smile. 

– Aha, go up to her and ask her for a kiss. 

– Okay, I accept but I am going to double the shots!!

Patricia Arguelles