Dialogues 2 – Kiko

Eavesdrop dialogues.


Publix check.

Cashier: That will be $45.66

Customer: *starts writing a check*

Cashier: It’s been a while since someone offered one of those…

Customer: ha! ha! Sorry, my card got cloned and now I have to use checks until I get a new one.

Cashier: Yikes! I understand. Thanks! *Receives check*


The Germans demand!

MAS student #1: Was it?

MAS student #2: Oh yes. Hamburg supposedly is way harder. They told my friend to re-do his entire portfolio.

MAS student #1: No way.

MAS student #3: Yeah, they are super demanding. And I heard Berlin is the same. My friend told me they made him present 50 ideas for every project. Like they are always like “That’s not enough.”

MAS student #1: Oh really? So, they are more strict [stricter].


Piscina y Oficina (Spanish conversation)

*At the elevator, mom gets in with her kids all wet from the pool. And a man in business attire comments*

Man: Nice. Pool (piscina) day is always fun! I had office (oficina) day. *Frowns his face*

Mom: You had pool (Piscina) day as well?

Man: *Laughs* no, no. Office (oficina) day.

Mom: *Laughs* oh, I thought you had said pool. Sorry.

Man: *Laughs* It is certainly a cruel word to confuse ‘office’ with. Have a good day. *leaves elevator*


Gabriel the rascal (Spanish conversation)

*Waiting at the valet parking*

Mom: Gabriel, can you stop running? There are cars [here].

*Valet parking brings her car*

Valet: Here you go, ma’am. I left the keys inside the center console.

Mom: Thank you.

Mom: Gabriel! Come here, damn it! I told you not to run!

Gabriel: But I wasn’t running, I [inaudible]


BBQ hypocrisy

Dude #1: Dude, the guy that hunts elephants pays like $30,000 for the hunt. That money goes to the preserve that uses it to breed more elephants.

Dude #2: That’s idiotic. You are still killing an elephant. How about they don’t kill elephants and let them reproduce at their will?

Dude #1: Some elephants are considered pests in the norther part of Africa. It’s not all colorful like PETA makes it look.

Dude #2: That’s a bullshit excuse. It’s their planet. Who are we to play exterminators of what we considered pests? Besides, define “pest” …because surely you mean they stand in the way of man-made highways or some shit like that…

Dude #1: No, they eat the local crops and shit.




Francisco Martinez