
“Where’s your food?!”

“I don’t know! My driver’s been sitting in the same spot for 10 minutes. I wanna cancel but ughhhh I don’t know. I’M STARVING.”

“Well, mine’s here heh heh.”

“Do you wanna do this log in thing together so I don’t feel stupid?”

“Haha yeah hold on”

“Ummm ok what’s the log in code?”
“I have it here on my phone.”

“Wait I think I do too…. Mmmm wait yeah no I don’t. I only have the website.”

“You don’t even have it spelled right!”

“Well whatever I still found it!”


“Oh my god, I love your poster.”

“Oh my god really? I thought the letters turned out so horrible.”

“No they didn’t, they look awesome. I love how retro it looks. Very cool.”

“Aww thanks. Yours is super cool.”



“Hi there”

“Hmmm what am I gonna get….”

“Oooooh the iced matcha latte sounds good.”

“Yeah it does…I think I’ll get what I got yesterday. One café con leche please.”

“Got it. And for you?”

“An iced matcha latte please, and make it extra sweet.”

“Extra sweet, got it.”

“Hahah you would.”


“Oh my god, guess who just texted me.”

*Shows her friend her phone*
“No fucking way. The fuck does he want?”

“I don’t know, let’s see.”

“HA he just sent me a pic of him driving by my house… ok?”

“he’s seriously so pathetic and tries so hard to start up random ass convos. I’m not here for it.”
“Yeah same but I feel so weird ignoring him again.”

“Don’t, he’s a psychopath.”

“You right”
Maidenly Pham