Dialogues – Kiko

Dialogue #1

P1: “I told you $249.”
P2: “Ok, well, whatever it is it’s a lot less.”
P2: “I will call you tomorrow morning. This lady will be waiting for the package to be delivered around 8-9am.”
P1: “Well, let’s keep like that. The logical thing to do is to have him deliver and return to address the inventory.”
P2: “Sounds good, Lila.”
P1: “Take care. We’ll talk tomorrow.”

Dialogue #2

Girl 1: “Ok, bring more color in”
Girl 2: “No, it’s too saturated already. If we do that, it’s going to look awful”
Girl 1: “No trust me. We can balance with contrast and ambiance.”
Girl 2: “No, look.” 
*Shows the other girl*
Girl 2: “See? It looks orange, even if I change the ambiance. It’s blue orange *laughs*”
Girl 1: “Shit. Ok, let’s tone down the saturation a bit.”
Girl 2: “Told ya…”
Francisco Martinez