Dialogues Week 2 Ethan Vink

Woman: “Am I missing something, I just don’t get it”

Man: “ You aren’t missing anything, let’s go”

Woman: “ We must be missing something, look at everyone gawking over it”

Man: “Its shit, lets go”


Girl: “Who wants to go to Wynwood?”

2nd girl: “We always go to Wynwood, let’s go somewhere new for a change”

Guy: “Let’s go to that Ball and Chain place in Little Havana”

2nd girl: “We are in, gimme 30 minutes to get ready”


Mom: “If you try to climb out of that cart one more time I’m gonna spank your ass right here in this store, got it?

Boy: I hate target!

Mom: “don’t care, sit down so we can get finished and leave”

Boy: “ I hate target”


Man: “I don’t know why you call her when all she does is piss you off”

Woman: “She’s my sister, that’s why”

Man: “You enable her and she will never change”

Woman: “She’s not your sister so butt out”

Man: “I’m just sayin’. Don’t call her when I’m with you and then I won’t bitch”


Guy: “Tom Brady is a little bitch, I hope the Saints win”

Guy 2: “The Vickings gonna kick their ass”

Guy: “That ain’t never gonna happen, the Vikings choke every post game”

Guy: “I don’t care who wins as long as it’s not the f-ing Patriots”

Ethan Vink