
Bahamas Baby!


“When is spring break?”

Excitement has control of her body and she squeaks in a high pitch

“Second week of March, girl!”

She dances in her seat as she sings her response

“I cannot wait for a vacation. Where should we go, what should we do?”

If you did not know any better you would have thought she won the lottery as she thought of the endless opportunities.


They scream in unison and hug each other in elation

Romantic Sunset

“Hey do you want to go to the everglades?”

He spoke with so much pressure. It was evident time was an issue.

“Sure, honey. I’m on my way. But I don’t know if I’m dressed for the occasion”

She was surprised and encouraged a little adventure in her life. She speed up to make it before the hour.

“You’re dressed fine! Get in the car were leaving now. I can’t wait till you see the sunset my love!”

Time didn’t seem to matter as much once he saw her. He greeted her with a kiss and felt bliss. You can tell he was happy for the opportunity by the sound of relief in his voice.


“I want to buy a car!”

He said with pure enthusiasm as he showed her a picture of the desired car.


“Omg, that’s a nice fucking car!”
she sincerely meant it!
“How much is it babe?”
In a sweet and loving tone

“Almost 45 grand”
his tone and body language showcased his discomfort of the fortunate number
“ You’re dreaming right?”
She was surprised he was even discussing purchasing such a costly vehicle


“I am, I know that we have bigger priorities and I’m willing to compromise to what makes our financial security best.”
A dream didn’t seem to matter much with how content he was looking at her
“You scared me for a second there honey. I love you honey”
She really did appreciate where his priorities stood.

“No, I love you honey”

They share a kiss and showed sweet affection.



A Provocative Twist
A couple cuddled up at Starbucks

“Sweetheart, my professor looks like my ex boyfriend and it freak me out.”
She said with discomfort


“I asked him how to deal with the problems of a group project and he gave me sincere advice.”
explained in an exhausted tone


“I had to laugh because it felt like he was more sincere with me than my ex boyfriend ever was”

She could barely keep a straight face.


“Wow, babe. You really do hate the guy. Better for me.”

He spit out his drink just a little
“Can I have a kiss?”
She said with puppy dog eyes
“Of course, but only if you remember I can be your professor too.”

He kissed her passionately to say the least


Sophie The Observer

“How’s school Evelyn?”

She said as she placed her bag on the table and pulled a chair out
“I’m fucking tired”
Her friend responded with a cracked voice.


“I can only imagine, honey.” She said as she looked at her daughter


“Fucking tired” the adorable toddler blurted out


Laughs were shared


“Sophie, don’t say that” the mother laughed as she exclaimed.




Natalie Castro