
At the gym:


Man#1: (Hands on hips, breathing a bit hard, speaking to man#2 who has approached the bench man#1 and his friends are working on) You can work in with us if you want man.

Man#2: (Waving hands in denial) Oh, no no that’s alright I’m just going to do some decline bench first.

Man#1: Okay, we’ll leave it for you when we’re done.

Man#2: (Smiling and giving a nod) Okay great, thank you.


At Publix:


Little Girl: (Running down aisle and calling out loudly) Cooooookieeeees, cooooookieeeeees!

Mother: (A look of mingled exasperation and amusement, speaking in a placating tone) We’ll see baby, we don’t wanna spoil your appetite for dinner.

Little Girl: (Turning around and running back up the aisle) Coooookieeeees, Coooookieeeeeeees!

Mother: (Starting to get sterner) Stop running Annalise, you’re going to run into people (people, meaning me)

Little Girl: (Catching hold of her mother’s hand and swinging on it) I just want cooookieessss!

Mother: (Pulling her off to the right side of the aisle and becoming dismissive) I told you we’ll see.

Alex Niemann