Floor Door

There’s a door on the ground. I open it. An elegant elderly lady dressed from the early 1900s is laying on the floor. She smiles and begins to crawl up the wall toward the higher ground I’m on. She undoes her hair and wasps fly out of it toward me. I run. There’s a river to my left. I dive in to lose the wasps. They follow me and die in the water.

The lady jumps in and dolphin kicks down the river toward me. There’s a waterfall ahead. I take the plunge, find my footing and grab my  knife pointing it up standing under the falls. The lady takes the plunge and lands stomach first on my blade. She falls so hard that my hand goes through her and blood sprays everywhere. The river is red, she’s almost dead and in a last gasp she claws my eye out.

Oscar Sardiñas