Today, I decided to begin acupuncture treatment to better myself and live a healthier, happier life. Today, I also found out I’m a hemophiliac. FML.



I really, really like camping. I love it. The being outside, the roughing it, the survival skills, I love everything about it. I’ve been camping so many times I could be Survivor Man’s protégé. My wife does not like camping. She has never been on any of my expeditions because she says she’s always had a feeling something bad would happen. Nothing bad has ever happened to me out there. Mother Nature has always taken phenomenal care of me. So last week I convince my wife to come, finally. We had a blast. She loved, I loved it, great times all around. Now she’s left me to eternally wander the vast wilderness on a lifelong spirit quest. FML.



I went fishing with my brother the other day. It was a really slow day, like, reallyslow. We caught absolutely nothing, and it was hot as fuck. Eventually I just decided to sit on the back of the boat and dangle my feet in the water to cool off. Five minutes later, we caught a hell of a nice bull shark. My brother got some sweet pictures with it, and I lost my foot in surgery. FML.

Alex Niemann