Haiku + Poem (Comedy)

Stay Grounded


His head in the clouds

His eyes toward the skyline

His foot greeting shit




A deep breath inward

A long breath out through the mouth

He was high as fuck


Trust Issues


With an alarming jolt his heart began to race

A shocking realization, brought on a dangerous pace

With frantic movements he began to search,

Wasn’t it in his pocket or was it in her purse?


He turned his trousers inside out

Nothing to be found, he began to pout

He looked around, paranoid and scared

Did she take it? Would she really dare


Open your bag he asked with shout

He thought he trusted, her but now he was filled with doubt

She emptied it out, all over the counter

Nothing to be found, just makeup all around her


He clutch his chest, filled with frustration

His hand over his heart, he felt a strange sensation

Something was lodged between his hand and his pec

He looked at the pocket, and decided to check


Alas it was there, his heart did a flip

Immediately, he apologized to her for giving her lip

How could he have acted like such a chump?

So he decided to mend the fence, by giving her the first bump

Oliver Permut