Haikus + Poem – Children

Two Toys

Two toys on the floor

One toy for you, one for me

We play together


Early Flight

A bird leaves his nest

His wings weak and feeble

Far too soon to soar



To give to you what belongs to me

I will not share

Not one, not two, not three


To leave my place so that you can sit

I will not get up

Not one second, not one moment, not one bit


To bow my head so that you can see

I will not budge

Not an inch, not a foot, not me


But soon I will stumble and tears will flow

Not helping hand to grasp or a kind face to know


Alone I will sit, crying on the floor

My legs in pain, my backside sore


Until you approach me with bright eyes and a warm heart

You’ll bring me to my feet and offer me a fresh start


To give to you what belongs to me

I will share

Not just one, but two, or three


To leave my place so that you can sit

I will get up

Not just for a second, not just for one moment, but for as long as you desire it


To bow my head so that you can see

Of course I will budge

I’ll move an inch, I’ll move a foot, I’ll move a mountain

Because you’d do it for me

Oliver Permut