Horror Stories

Rainy Day

One rainy evening I was having my dinner and heard someone knocked the door. I opened and saw a stranger with a long dress and hood on. He asked if I can give him some water. I offered to come and put him on a chair.

-You forget to lock the door.


Angy came home after a long day shooting at work. She uploaded all the pictures on her lap top and started to watch through. Then she noticed some that she never took.

-Wait who did this pictures of me sleeping?! I live alone. The light switched off.

The hidden closet

I was lying down on my couch and saw through  the mirror how the closet door started to open. I thought maybe I smoked too much but came down to check. The door was opened. I noticed a big hole on the back of it and pushed away my clothes. Then I saw two red eyes staring at me.

I didn’t have to wear clothes anymore.

Where is Mellisa?

-Hey honey, is Melissa still sleeping? She usually cries every morning when she wakes up.

-Yes you are right. So weird. Let me check her room.

Mom opened the door. The window was opened and blood was all over the room. Melissa was not there anymore.


Finally it was Friday night, I was driving home through the woods, excited about the weekend. Suddenly I noticed a little girl standing alone next to a big  tree. I turned around to see if she was with someone and saw her sitting on the back of my sit, giggling at me.

Oxana Lukyanchenko