Jake and Kya

After a while it had all became a routine for Jake. Waking up, gym, work, come back home eat, sleep, and a solid 4-5 hour video game and TV session before going back to bed, and start all over again. No social life whatsoever. After 2 years, it seemed like money was good, but the fact that he doesn’t do anything else its getting to him. Transferring to Tokyo it was definitely a cultural shock. Lately Jake’s been socializing a little bit with people after work, but he doesn’t feel 100% comfortable, since most of them don’t even speak English.

These past two years have been an emotional roller coaster.  Breaking up with Jenny after she could no longer resist being in a long distance relationship had affected him big time. After almost 10 years in a relationship , Jake feels he doesn’t even know how to approach girls anymore. A month after they broke up, Jenny was already dating another guy. He felt like he just wasted 10 years of his life. It seemed like the only good thing he got out of his decision of moving to Tokyo is the money he’s getting, but thats just not enough for Jake.

One day, after a long day at work, Jake decides to go out for a beer with Han, one of the few guys from the office that’s actually fluent in English.

“So I’ve never asked you man, do you miss American girls? Or are you starting to like girls over here?” said Han

Jake laughs

“Honestly I do miss them a little bit, but I like them over here too” said Jake

Waitress comes to the table

“Do you guys need another beer?” she said

“Well look at that, English and everything?, This is my friend Jake” said Han looking at Jake awkwardly

“Haha I heard you guys speaking English thats why” she responded

“Excuse my friend he’s just being silly, and yes, two more drinks please”

“No problem” She replied as walks away to the bar

“You gotta stop that man haha” Said Jake

“I know I just had to do it, it went along with the conversation we were having” Han responded

“Yea I know!’ said Jake

She comes back with the drinks

“Thanks…” said Han assuming she’s would respond her name.

“Kya nice too meet you guys” she responded

“So are you guys here just for a while or you plane to stay till happy hour starts?” said Kya

“Happy hour? What do you think Jake?”said Han

“Nah man, Im good with this last drink, I need to go back home” Jake responded

“Oh come on man its Friday, we don’t work tomorrow, its not like you got a girlfriend or anything, who knows, you might find the next one here?” said Han laughing

Kya laughs too.

“Agh just a few hours more, not trying to have a crazy night” said Jake

“Thats my man” said Han

Kya walks away and Han and Jake keep on drinking

After uncountable drinks, plenty baseball conversations, jokes, Jake didn’t notice its 2am already. This is literally the first time Jake has been out in two years, so you can imagine how drunk he was. While Han goes to the bathroom, Jake goes to the back of the bar, and sits in the smoking area. As he lights his cigarette, he hears a loud scream.

“Get the hell put of here!!” she was screaming.

Jake was very confused and didn’t know whats going on.

“If you don’t go I’m calling the police!!!” she said

Jake is just wondering who is the one screaming. He decides to walk inside the bar to feel safer, but turns out the problem was inside.

Walking inside he immediately sees Kya crying

“Are you ok? did anyone hit you?, why were you screaming like that?? Do you want me to call the police?” Jake asked

“I’m fine that was just my crazy ex, he sometimes comes in here super drunk and gets a bit aggressive but has never hit me, but I can’t handle it anymore”

“whats going on guys?!! everything ok?” said Hand walking out of the bathroom drunk after throwing up.

“You should take care” said Jake, “You never know what he might be up too, that type of person that doesn’t let go are crazy sometimes”

“And what’s up with you man, you’re a walking mess look at you!” said Jake laughing.

As the three of them laughed and talked for a bit more, it seemed like the chemistry between Kya and Jake is just natural.  Kya closes the bar they all go out. Before jumping in the cab, Jake walks up to Kya’s car.

“Very nice to meet you, I hope to see you again” he said

“It was nice meeting you too, and yes, I’d like to see you again, come tomorrow, I’ll be here” she responded

“Do you want to have dinner tomorrow?” Jake asked her

She looks at him mystriously

“Haha yes, why not” she responded.

“Alright here’s my number, call me tomorrow” Jake said

“I will” she responded

They didn’t know what to do at the end of the conversation, it seemed like they both wanted to kiss, but its felt way too early, but the intentions are definitely there. So they just hug and each one gets in their respective rides.

“What did I tell you Man?!!” Han said with a drunken tone as Jake hops in the car

“Oh come on man we just talked haha” Jake said

“Thats your next girlfriend right there I’m telling you” Han responded

The cab driver laughs.

The next day Kya calls Jake and they go on their date. Although a little bit awkward, in the sense that they both come from very different cultures, everything went extremely well. Definitely a great first date.  As the days pass by, they really want to see each other every single day. They need each other at the end of the day. Its such a different relationship from what they had in the past, they’re just falling in love with each other, but they still haven’t told each other. Eventually they couldn’t hold it anymore and become a couple and lived happily ever after.




Jose Padilla