Jasper The Jaguar


Deep in the heart of the Amazon jungle lived a grumpy jaguar named Jasper. Jasper was the largest and most powerful cat in all the land, and he was feared by all that came in his path. He spent most of his time sulking on his tree-top throne that overlooked his kingdom below. Despite all of his power, Jasper was lonely.

You see, Jasper had no friends. As a cub, Jasper had done his best to befriend the other animals in the jungle. He would approach them quietly and slowly as not to startle them, and when he got close enough he would growl “hello” and flash his biggest smile. They would all run away.

Jasper had long since given up, and had grown used to being alone. Shunned by all the other animals, Jasper now chose to greet everyone with an intimidating roar and swipe of his claws. Only the luckiest survived an encounter with Jasper. And those that lived to tell the tale scurried home in fear.

Until one day, Jasper lost his footing while climbing his throne, and fell to the jungle floor below. As he sped towards the ground, Jasper struck a branch, knocking out his intimidating front teeth.

All of the other animals in the jungle gathered round to see the source of the commotion. It was clear Jasper was wounded, but their fear kept a deep boundary around the fallen cat. The jaguar wallowed in pain.

Finally, a brave capybara decided to take a closer look. Jasper roared in an attempt to keep the onlooker at bay. But without his front teeth, he just wasn’t as scary. Some of the animals laughed, while others cheered. Jasper was no longer to be feared.

The capybara was neither laughing nor cheering. Instead he brought the fallen jaguar a bite of soft fruit. Jasper was hesitant at first, both of the animal’s kindness and the foreign snack. But eventually, he decided to take a bite.

“How delicious,” he thought. “This is way yummier than meat!”

The capybara and his tribe carried Jasper into their village, where they nursed him back to health with fruits and vegetables. While Jasper was still grumpy at first, he learned to embrace the kindness of his new friends, and was soon grinning toothless smiles.

Jasper found a new home on the jungle floor, and felt stronger than ever thanks to his new diet. He befriended all the creatures around him, except for those who grew tired of hearing about his vegan lifestyle. Jasper was lonely no more.


There once lived a grumpy jaguar named Jasper, who spent most of his time sulking on his throne atop a tall tree. Despite all of his power, he was lonely.

Jasper had no friends. As a cub, he had tried to befriend the other animals in the jungle. But each time he would growl “hello” or flash his smile, they would run away.

Jasper was used to being alone, and he greeted everyone with a roar and swipe of his claws.

Until one day, Jasper slipped while climbing his throne, and fell to the jungle floor below. On the way down, Jasper struck a branch, knocking out his front teeth.

All the jungle animals gathered to see the source of the commotion.

Jasper roared, but without his front teeth, he wasn’t as scary. Some of the animals laughed, while others cheered. Jasper was no longer to be feared.

A capybara was neither laughing nor cheering. Instead, he brought the jaguar a piece of fruit. Jasper was hesitant at first, but finally decided to take a bite.

“How delicious!” he thought.

The capybara and his tribe brought Jasper to their village, and fed him fruits and vegetables. Jasper was still grumpy at first, but he learned to embrace the kindness of his new friends, and was soon grinning toothless smiles.

Jasper found a new home on the jungle floor, and felt stronger than ever thanks to his new diet. He befriended all the creatures around him, except for those who grew tired of hearing about his vegan lifestyle. Jasper was lonely no more.


There was once a lonely Jaguar named Jasper. As a cub, he tried to make friends but his intimidating smile had scared everyone away. Now he was grumpy and bitter. Until one day, he fell from his tree-top perch and cracked his teeth. Without his scary smile, the animals feared him no more. A friendly capybara nursed him to health with fruits and veggies, and Jasper soon made friends with everyone. The now vegan cat was lonely no more.

There was once a lonely Jaguar named Jasper. As a cub, he tried to make friends but his intimidating smile had scared everyone away. Now he was grumpy and bitter. Until one day, he fell from his tree-top perch and cracked his teeth. Without his scary smile, the animals feared him no more. A friendly capybara nursed him to health with fruits and veggies, and Jasper soon made friends with everyone. Except for those who were tired of hearing about his new vegan lifestyle. Jasper was lonely no more.

Oliver Permut