Lifestyle blog

Have you ever thought about the fact that you’re literally always just one decision away from changing your life completely for better or worst. This means you can actually become that person you think you are. Changing lifestyles is not and will never be an easy task, it takes sacrifice, power of will, and deep concentration to accomplish it. A great example for this is jumping into an exercise routine and a healthy diet. Coming from a completely different state of mind, its very hard at the beginning, just like any change. There’s different reasons people enter this lifestyle, some want to have the body of their dreams and look sharp, other do it to keep a sane state of mind and be relax. Its been clinically proven that working out is beneficial for both  depression and stress. I’ve always been pretty consistent with my work out routine, I might miss a day here and there but never let weeks pass by without hitting the gym, but Ive never had a consistent diet. Just 2 months ago I decided to start a healthy diet. Since then there’s been some good changes. Not only have I lost weight, but Ive noticed that my thought process is very clear. I’m also making better decisions, getting my school work done faster as well coming up with better results. Its only been a few weeks, and I already noticed why people get hooked on this lifestyle. At the beginning is going to be hard going to the gym day after day, but once you build a routine, you can’t go a day without it. You’ll feel a really important part of your day is missing and even a light sense of guiltiness. Besides physical, this lifestyle comes with huge psychological results. When you start this routine you’ll also notice   that you’re going to put the same amount of effort and concentration you put in your workout and diet on your daily tasks/assignments. I’ve also notice that my sleeping pattern has improved a lot since I started the diet. Overall its been a good short ride and I look forward to see and feel the longterm results. I also invite you to join this lifestyle if you ever feel stressed or overwhelmed with your daily routine, as it will bring you clarity and the strength you need to get through life with a better attitude and perspective.

Jose Padilla