Literary Device Examples


The busty beach bum bought a bottle of brandy and baked a bundt cake.

The angry aunt asked for an apple and had an aneurysm when she was brought an apricot.

The determined Danish dad decided to dance despite double dandruff surgery.




The convent was a modern-day Gilead.

Her love for candy rivaled Willy Wonka’s.

With 6 kids, they were the neighborhood Brady Bunch.




Her night out required hours of preparation. She got a spray tan, a Brazilian, lash extensions, baked her face, and bust out the Spanx.

One does not simply become an adult upon graduation. First you must acquire massive amounts of debt, date many unemotionally available men, and hunt for jobs you’re “underqualified for” despite having a degree.

He was a true chaotic evil. He had no respect for authority, other people’s feelings, or anything but his own wants, which were typically self-serving. He valued personal freedom but couldn’t care less about the freedoms of others.





One phone call might have meant nothing to him but meant everything to his grandmother.

A small act of kindness might have zero effect on one’s day and made all the difference to another.

Blind dates have proven to be the best decision but more often than that, the worst decision.



The chihuahua raised its nose up in the air and strutted away with all the haughtiness of a famous starlet.

The waves crashed furiously as though they had a vengeance on the small coastal town.

The sun welcomed us with its warm embrace.





 Today will be the day I conquer my fear. Today will be the day I strive to be better. Today is the day I get a flu shot.

He is manipulative. He is selfish. He is no good for me. He is who I long for when I’m alone.

We fight. We argue. We hit where it hurts the most. This is love.

Maidenly Pham