Literary devices


  1. Kim Kardashian is pretty talentless, but she is blessed with a brilliant behind. 
  2. The teacher thought he died drowning in his drool 
  3. Looking at my wife sunbathing on the lawn, my neighbor asked why the grass grows greener on the other side 
  4. The pissed pimp punched the hoe 
  5. He voiced his views vicariously


1. Pizza’s are my diet’s Achilles heel.

2. Kids turn me into a Scrooge.

3. The mother’s longing yelp for her pup made my heart sink like the Titanic.  



1. The tug of war was one-sided: the rope was harsh, the men on the other end were huge,  we just had our nails done and our dresses were getting muddy.

2. The assignment was hard: We had to use more of our intellect than we initially intended to, my partners lost their rocks, and I was left pulling the entire weight of the group.

3. The traffic was worse: the water had clogged half of the road, bikers couldn’t wiggle through the cars, and the traffic signal had malfunctioned.



  1. He’s a hard nut to crack, but inside he’s warm and gooey.
  2. The injection felt like the longest moment in my life but lasted only a few short seconds.
  3. His daydreaming delusions were sweetened his bitter reality at the sweatshop.



  1. Born of a German Shepherd mother and a Chihuahua father, you could say I sort of have an identity crisis. 
  2. Sometimes I roar louder to get the troops in line. 
  3. Adopted into a rich family, I feel I’ve had a leg up in life.


Anaphora –

  1. I scream for change, I scream for ice cream, I scream for a delicate embrace, I scream for everything, I scream… for I am a drill sergeant. 
  2. We forget to learn more, we forget to give more, we forget to share more, we forget to care more, we forget to forget our faults. 
  3. We want to break away from the mundane. We want to explore different cultures. We want to learn something that we’ll never use in our lives. We want to take it all in and forget where we came from.
Tuhin Parhi