Literary devices – Week 4

  1. Assonance
    – My friend looks like a raging sage free from his cage
    – They yelled “fresh meat” as they beat him off his seat
    – They fought before they heard the shot
  2. Chiasmus
    – choose to fight for a living, or choose to live for fighting
    – Break the bank, or watch the bank break you
    – I was mad driving because she was driving me mad
    – They were standing over the plot lost, realizing moments later they had lost the plot
  3. Circumlocution 
    – The vehicle that tries to move me around every day has this habit of breaking down
    – During the previous year, we made a solemn promise to keep this company afloat
    – The killer used a mundane everyday tool used for cutting paper and hair, to subdue his first three victims. We call him Alex scissor hands.
  4. Consonance 
    – The wise widow was branded as the vile witch from Winchester
    – The children scattered after they littered the batter all over the mattress
    – After bumping into the post he boasts, he sees ghosts
  5. Epithet
    – The sultry somber summer night was everything but perfect
    – The muck on his shoe was, in fact, gooey green duck poo
    – On a slow Sunday sunset, the fisherman accidentally threw his wife’s soft satin scarlet fishnets into the water.
  6. Euphemism
    – To quell the situation teacher told the flat-earther that she had an interesting point of view.
    – This was the fifth time in one day that Bond was asked to neutralize a subject.
    – Fortunately, the miner passed away before he would have been let go.  


Tuhin Parhi