Livestrong Emails

Concept 1: Rough and strong trainer that is rude yet motivational

a. Welcome emails:

  • You made the right choice

Yeah, you! You made the right choice!

I’ll make sure you stay aligned with your healthy lifestyle and before you know it, you’ll be running things yourself.

You better start now! Health waits for no one!

Start getting your life together.

  • You f*$#ing got this!

Yeah, you! You got this!

I’ll be there every step of the way with anything you need to accomplish that healthy lifestyle! And before you know it, you’ll be running things yourself.

You better start now! Health waits for no one!

Start getting your life together.

  • Go get those muscles

Yeah, you! Go get those muscles you deserve!

I’ll be there every step of the way with anything you need to accomplish that healthy lifestyle! And before you know it, you’ll be running things yourself.

You better start now! Health waits for no one!

Start getting your life together.

b. Don’t go emails:

  • You Can’t Quit on Me!

What do you think you are doing?! You think yourself almighty that you can figure your healthy life by yourself? Well… reality check! YOU CAN’T.

You are not in shape. You are not eating healthy. You clearly don’t know what you are doing.

How are you going to accomplish your goals by just quitting?!

Subscribe back now!

  • Don’t Be a Nancy!

Hey! Stop what you are doing and get those fingers back into reading some articles.

You are not in shape. You are not eating healthy. You clearly don’t know what you are doing. How are you going to accomplish your goals by being a soft Nancy?!

Subscribe back now!

  • Oh… Think You Know It All?

You think yourself almighty that you can figure your healthy life by yourself? Well… reality check! YOU CAN’T.

You are not in shape. You are not eating healthy. You clearly don’t know what you are doing.

Better get those fingers back into reading some articles.

Subscribe back now!

Concept 2: Obese cherub angel

a. Welcome emails:

  • Congratulations! One Step Farther from Dying

I wish I had the same resources you have now back in my days. I would have lived longer and taken a better lifestyle.

But you can have all the good stuff in matter of seconds with just one click! Now you can be the best version of yourself.

Start your healthy journey.

  • Long Life for You!

You heard me. Long-life to you! You’ve overcome me by making the right choice. A healthy life is something that we shouldn’t take for granted… I mean, just look at me.

Now you can have all the good stuff in matter of seconds with just one click! You can become the best version of yourself.

Start your healthy journey.

  • Here to Guide You

Hi there! And welcome to your new healthy journey through life. You’ve overcome me and made the right choice. A healthy life is something that we shouldn’t take for granted… I mean, just look at me.

Now you can have all the good stuff in matter of seconds with just one click! You can become the best version of yourself.

Start your healthy journey.

b. Don’t go emails:

  • Welcome to My Kingdom

Yeah… my kingdom of the people who die overweight and sad with many health problems.

I’m the king. But maybe we could share the throne. Unless you don’t want to be part of this miserable life.

Then you better subscribe back now!

  • You Disgraceful Child….

What a disgrace you’ve become. Why are you leaving? Do you want to end up like me? Overweight, alone, sad, and dead?

Yeah, I don’t think so too.

Then you better subscribe back now!

  • You Won the Annual Raffle!

You won the annual raffle toward a new….

Look, there was no raffle, I just didn’t want to see you leave the opportunity of a lifetime. You have everything you need to succeed on your health with just the matter of just one click.

Subscribe back now.

Shirley Solano