Love Poems

The void


What is this chasm,

what is there to fill the void?

There is only love.


The heart-shaped throne


Deepest of our truths,

our desperate desire,

love controls us all.


A year with love


Three months in the winter she lit up my life,

though the joy of her presence turned to my heart’s plight.

Her touch brought a tingle and made me feel light,

yet for all of her softness she cut like a knife.


What is it of love that we’re driven to seek?

Are we bound to assume that without it we’re weak?

Why chase up the hill when we drop at its peak?

Why practice a subject no one ever did teach?


Three months in the spring her hands did caress me,

what I thought was a curse was simply a blessing.

In the salad of life, she was the dressing,

but I am not one to let emotion best me.


To be masters of self is for what we strive,

believing that with control we can feel alive,

and yet still we blunder as though we’re still five,

when love cracks the door, into sheer madness we dive.


Three months in the summer I burned like a fire,

I tried to see reason, to push my mind wider.

I felt rage mingled with love when beside her,

for what once brought love only pain did inspire.


Who are we mere mortals to dig our own graves?

How can we know the weight carried on top of our names?

Others see our value, we know only shame,

why let poison take over from playing love’s games?

Three months in the fall I remained quite forlorn,

while she lived her life freely I braced for the storm.

It took a while to recognize her true form,

And to see that love tested can still be reborn.

If truly in love you ever wish to fall,

be sure to have spirit, ensure you have the gall,

for love is not lightly received as a call,

but won in the hardship that crushes it all.

Alex Niemann