Movie Script

There’s no one like Mark


It was Mark’s 24thbirthday, he was having a slice of cake…. Alone.


All his friends cancelled on him, he was getting used to the notion. He was alone


Mark probably thought something like “ Fuck, looks like it’s a one man birthday again”


That’s something he would say, Mark loved to curse. They say people that curse a lot, tend to be honest people. Mark was honest but everybody still forgot about him.


He was depressed.


He grew up with so many friends, he always had something to do. He was amazed at how quickly time thinned his contacts list. His daily routine probably consisted of;

Waking up

Feeding dog







The mundane had become prevalent to the point it became all there was.

In his home, his family all hung around. They interacted and had fun, he felt invisible.


My name is Sam Tucker, and I was one of his only friends.

On this night, on his 24thbirthday, Mark lost his mind. I’m putting together the only found footage of his Mark, before he disappeared in a field of flowers….

That’s right the man went nuts and lost himself in a field of flowers.


Now, back to the cake—


With that delicious chocolate cake in front of him, Mark made a wish

He kept murmuring  the same thing “Give me someone for me … Give me Someone for me… Give me someone for me…”



It was in that moment…

That wish…. it came true .


Reports have come in expressing that Sam was just Jubilant when he visited the market;

To be more specific; he was seen looking at his reflection in all mirrors available, talking to himself and acting out FLIRTACIOUS acts as if he was infatuated with himself.


It seemed almost as if Mark was in love with himself. I recently looked into his diary and discovered some rather disturbing pieces of writing, he explicitly expressed his affections towards himself in a very, very sensual manner. But according to himself, he enjoys mostly spending time with himself, doing simple things, like cooking.


He enjoys to dance and toss things in a skillet, sharing the smells of sautéed veggies, or lemon pepper chicken and steaming broths.


How simple, all Mark ever really wanted is to someone to love, someone to spend time with, someone to share experiences with.

Thinking about it now, maybe Sam wasn’t THAT crazy.

He had a good reason to snap into the delirium he snapped into; I mean, humans are born, some are rich and some aren’t and then we die.

We don’t take anything with us beyond the grave, all we ever take with us along our life aren’t belongings, or a gold necklace, or even your favorite shirt..

We take our experiences, our favorite moments, the meaningful things are always in our minds and our hearts.


Sadly, according to the police reports; Sam was seen last seen wondering into a sunflower field.

The newspaper headlines read; “Where does a child hide In a small town”

It was a little demeaning because Mark was no child, although he did seem to turn into one.


He was seen happily skipping along the dirt and in a lovely drunken haze, he disappeared..

In hindsight, I do regret not being there more for him; he had a good heart.


Mark if you do see this letter, were all very sorry. You need help bud



-Sam Tucker


Gustavo Bendana