New Friend

New Friend

“Oh sweet, a new follower” thought Jessica. The new follower sent a message, “Let’s be best friends”. Jessica responded politely, “sure”. A week went by, she received more and more messages from the anonymous person and grew concerned when it mentioned her family, address and personal information. One month in and the messages took a more threatening direction. She launched an investigation with the police but the IP address came back to her computer and cell phone.

Her Instagram was out for her sanity…

When she went to delete the apps from her phone, she was suddenly sucked into the app. The entity appeared and told her it would come after her family next, Jess grew more frightened than before. From within the app, Jessica made her choice, she deleted all the data along with her self, dying a hero. Jess was never heard from and her family was safe.

Gustavo Bendana