New perspective

Silent crush

Hernan went with his friends to spend new years in a friends house, as the night went by the drinks took the lead and he end up totally wasted so his friends had to take him to house owners car so he don’t make a mess in the house.

It was 6 Am and he woke up without remembering anything that happened that night, took al look around and thought his friends had leave him, the car keys were inside so he took them and went straight home.

While he was driving thru a narrow dirt road he remembered that there was a gate that had to be opened by password, when he reached it he struggle to remembered the password with no success, backwards was the only way.

With a road too small to turn the car around he took a shot in reverse, the first part was easy but then the curves came and he end up looking at the sky with the car in the middle of a ravine, the front wheels were flying and he couldn´t take the car out, he needed another vehicle.

As he was trying to take the car out his friends came, they were looking for him.Who is the owner of this car? He asked, it belonged to the house owner that was sleeping at the house.He felt screwed, so in a clumsy hurry they tried to take the car pushing it with his friends car but it was useless they needed more power and all the friends had to go to their houses.

He had two options to go the the cars owner and tell her everything or solve the problem by his own, so he asked his friend to leave him in the town to get a tractor or something.In the town he walked for about 30 minutes, there was nobody on the streets because of the New year, suddenly a man showed up really drunk at 10:30 Am trying to open the gate so he helped him put the key and open the gate he hugged, he was so grateful,so he told the guy the problem and the drunk guy said: “I have a friend who owns a tractor”, just the luck Hernán needed.

They went to the tractors owner and asked him for help and he agreed, they took the car out and put it in place like nothing happened, but Hernan felt he needed to tell the car owner everything and he did, went to the house woke her up and told her what happened, she, still sleepy said: “Okey” and went back to bed.

Hernán solved the problem with no consequences, he was so happy he paid the drunk guy and his friends some money for the help and finally went back to his house to pass the hangover like it´s supposed to.

Hernan Irrazabal