Oh The Horror

A Cold Greeting

The doorbell sounds. Mark is awoken from a deep sleep. A bag of chips slides off his chest onto the floor as he struggles to his feet from the couch. Bleary-eyed, he opens the door. No one is there. Strange he thinks as he turns around to return to his resting place. A cold knife pierces his abdomen. A deadly hello.


Megan hums absentmindedly as she washes her face. She is lost in thought when I loud thump startles her from below. “Maybe the neighboring children are wrestling again,” she hypothesizes. Soapy eyed, she turns to face the stream when something takes hold of her leg. A scaly hand reaches through the drain and drags her into the depths below.

The Abyss

The lake was pitch black and ominous. “You go first!” she said, pointing at Melissa. “No way,” she responded, backing away. Sarah glanced back at the dark abyss when she heard rushing footsteps behind her. No time to evade Melissa’s attack. The water engulfed her. One last gasp, and then silence.

A Search For Light

Lightning strikes. Lights flicker, and then fail to return. “Shit, I hope I have a flashlight,” Josh ponders. Hands outstretched he searches for a guiding wall. A sticky substance meets his hands. He tries to pull them free but he is stuck. As he struggles the sticky ooze begins to consume him, until he is completely covered and immobile. Josh never finds his flashlight.

Mike’s Last Trip

Light is dwindling as they reach the tail end of their hike. Mike has fallen behind, dreaming of dinner. Suddenly, he trips on a fallen branch. Bruised and scratched he struggles to his feet when he hears leaves rustling behind him. As he turns, giant jaws clamp down over his head with a blood-curdling crack, ripping his head clean off his shoulders. Another’s meal.

Oliver Permut