Overheard Conversations

5 Conversations:


“Can I take a hit of that?”




“What flavor is it?”


“Tobacco, pretty bad, probably tastes like it”


He chuckles.



“What’d you get? Is that corn on the cob?”


“No, it’s a kebab,” he snickers


“That was pretty quick.”


“Yeah it was like right there, not bad, for ten bucks.”



“Damn, that cruise ship was like, the biggest thing I’ve ever seen move, except your mom”


All three friends burst out in laughter



“Damnnnnn, white girl got an ass” said Ethan



“Random question, but I need to find this out for a class…. Do newspapers publish the names of people who commit suicide?”


“Uhhh…. I wanna say no if it’s a minor, but don’t quote me on that. Damn, that’s a good question. I never thought about that. I actually think they do.”

Maidenly Pham