Overheard Conversations, Week 2

Selfless Gains


Man #1: “Can you spot me bro?”

Man #2: “Yeah of course, lemme just finish my set first!”

Man #1: “Of course bro, your gains first!”

Both laugh, MAN #2 pounds his chest and points at MAN #1.


Ego Stroking


Man #1: “I had some guy asking me if I was on steroids, I was like nah man. Laughing. I was like, man I could whoop your ass regardless though.”

Man #2: “You’re the dude.” Smiling, silently chuckling.


Not Tonight


Man #1: “Alright man we’ll get the squad together tonight.”

Man #2: Shaking his head, slight grimace on his face. “I can’t make it.” To the woman next to him. “You got your keys?”

Woman: “Yeah.”

Man #2: Turning away towards the exit. “Okay then I’ll see you tomorrow man.”

Man #1: Putting up his hand in farewell. “Aight I’ll see you brotha.”


Memory Problems


Woman: Notes of annoyance in her voice, arms spread slightly. “Well are you sure there’s nothing else you’re forgetting bring?”


Man: Pained look on his face. “I..I don’t think so but I can’t remember.”

Woman: Sheer exasperation, voice rising. “That’s not helpful!”


God Wants You to Smoke


Girl #1: To anyone around her who will listen. “Does anyone have a light?” To her friend. “Shit, I want a smoke so badly how did I forget top bring my fucking lighter.”


Girl #2: Excited, pointing at the ground. “Wait there’s a lighter right here on the ground! Is it yours?”


Girl #1: Looking up, arms spread. “God wanted me to have this cig.”

Alex Niemann