Overheard Conversations Week 3

New Orleans Lovers

“I just love New Orleans so much.”

“I know, me too. I would only smoke cloves against a wall for so long, before it… you know… it didn’t really suit me. But I still, oh my god, some of the clubs there… SO good.”


Not Weed

“Wait, that’s so cute! Let me see your cup. What is it?”

“Mate, from Argentina.”

“Oh, like a tea?”

“Like an herb. People from Uruguay and Argentina take this to other countries and it looks like weed but I promise it’s not.”



“They didn’t agree but the thing of the shutdown is that all the employees from the government, like the ones that are essential, they’re gonna work. But everything else is closed.”

“Shows resistance I guess.”



Pain in the Ass

“I’m tired of being here!”

“You’re tired of this school?”

“No, like, of sitting here. My ass hurts.”

“Oh, I was gonna say. Girl… you got a long way to go!”


The Bachelor

“Oh my God! Arie broke up his engagement with his fiancé. He’s the worst.”

“He’s such a fuckboy! He’s 36 and still acts like a fuckboy.”

“Yeah. And he’s cheated on every girlfriend he’s ever had.”

“Wait… and he says it openly?”

“No. I read a website that has spoilers and background info… (laughs)”

Carla Urdaneta