Perez Hilton


Liar liar pants on fire!

A fight between the orange wall street kingdom and the English rock and roll.

There was once a prince called Donald Trump who stoled another prince´s girlfriend.

Donald Trump stoled Mick Jaggers date, Carla Bruni!!

Young 45 years old Donald, recently heartbroken by his longtime sweetheart, Maria Maples.

Pretends to be his reporter John Miller and calls the magazine PEOPLE to confirm his new adventure with Carla Bruni.

But not being enough, this little lie about dating Carla, he also claimed to receive several calls from other beautiful women, such as Madonna or Kim Basinger.

Back then Donald didn’t realize, that he and John Miller had a remarkably similar voice and that the PEOPLE magazine immediately spotted him.

So which is your favorite lie?

The fact that he pretends to be another person?

Or that every beautiful woman in the world is dying to be with him?



Patricia Arguelles