Photo story

PhotoStoriesWinter18 (arrastrado)

Love me as I love you

Every time Tina Taylor Jackson falls in love she gets into a spiral of feelings that makes her loose the reality of things.

Tina Taylor Jackson, TT for her friends. Is a 31 years old woman who has loved for many times in her life, but she has never been loved back as she wanted.

She is known for having a big heart with very long arms that manage to reach everybody’s soul. She is joyful and she likes to enjoy every moment of life. She is a spiritual person who likes to feel all the possible sensations. She believes that love is cure for life, or at least for hers. But, she never finds somebody who will follow her into a deep crazy love adventure in which they will get lost for ever. Every love adventure ends the same way, him running away  and Tina falling into a deep hole. But she will never give up.

It was Friday night and she had a jam session party at a friends house. Her ex-love-friend was going to be there and she was struggling to control her anxiety. As most of the people in the 70´s she likes to get high on acid, so she went to buy her dosis of acid, a bottle of white wine and a packet of cigarettes.

When she arrived to her friends house everybody was already in a party mood. Some of them were dancing, others were playing music and the rest were already into very deep conversations.

It was a hot summer night and she was wearing a red dress. She poured herself a glass of white wine, she lit up a cigarette and stood in the middle of the room and watched for a short moment how her friends were having fun. Then she went to the dance floor where her best friend, Nana, was already dancing Think from Aretha Franklin. 

Nana: TT you came!!! 

TT: Yes Nana, I told you I was coming.

(They hugged as if they had not seen each other in years)

Nana:I thought you were going to skip the party, because of Josh… I am so glad you are here. Nobody wants to party hard with me… and I brought some acid. Will you get high with me?

TT: I would normally say no because J is coming… but I changed my mind. So please lets blow our head off and have fun before he comes. 

They went to the bathroom together and had a long conversation while they took their dosis of acid. TT told Nana that she was a bit nervous to see Josh and that she was trying to get over him but it was starting to be very hard for her. Nana calmed her, she made her laugh with some stupid joke and off they went to the dancing floor.

They danced from Stevie Wonder to Ray charles and Ottis Redding. TT was a great fan of soul music and she enjoyed very much dancing it, especially if she was doing it with Nana. Nana always danced very elegantly and she could move her hips as if she were Brazilian.

TT was starting to feel the acid when Josh came into the dance floor. They hugged and said a very polite hello with a shy smile. TT tried to dance another song but she needed to get more wine.  They were already high and they were starting to laugh at everything that was happening. As night passed by and the acid effects continued TT was feeling more and more comfortable, but she could not stop thinking about how she really wanted Josh to feel what she felt.

After a good dosis of laughter Nana and her went for a small walk around the house and sneaked into their friends room. Their friend was a freak of archery and he had all of his bows and arrows in the room. They start playing around with the bows and TT pretended to be Cupid.

Nana: You know TT  I have always thought that maybe you are Cupid and thats why you never get somebody to really love you like you do, because you need to believe in yourself, you need to believe that you are cupid.

TT burst out laughing

Nana: TT I am being very serious. Now that I see you with that red dress and with the arc I can only think about cupid. If there is a cupid in the real world thats you, you are the goddess of love. 

TT was tripping more and more and began to seriously believe that she was cupid.

TT: If I am cupid maybe I can make Josh love me. 

TT stood in silence pointing with the arc to a random place. She was really thinking of the idea that if she could throw an arrow to Josh she would finally put an ending to a life of unrequited love. And then the climax of the acid exploded in her head head and she ran out of the room with the bow and, thank god, with a small arrow.

She went to the dance floor where nobody realized that she was carrying a bow and found Josh sitting in the other part of the room talking to a group of people.

He seemed relaxed and happy.

Without thinking it twice she tensed the bow and aimed at Josh and shot him.

The arrow went straight to the center of Josh’s face and got stuck between his eyes.

Everybody started screaming.

The arrow was small so it didn’t penetrate his head. Josh sat in silence for a few seconds with the arrow between his eyes. He stood up and looked at everybody, they were horrified.

He knew who shot him. He turned around and saw TT with the bow in her hands. He took the arrow of his face and walked slowly towards her. He took the bow of her hand and stared at her for a few seconds. TT was shaking and couldn’t control her body. And in the moment that she was about to faint Josh kissed her. They kissed while the rest of the party just stared at them in silence.

Josh: I love you as you love me.

Josh said with a big smile.

In that precise moment TT realized that she was the real cupid of love and that she just needed to believe in it in order to make someone love her as she did.

Patricia Arguelles