Photo Story

This picture was taken May 30th, 1975. In the left side we have Mary Jane and to her right we have her mom, Carmela. They’re part of an Italian upper-middle class family and they live in Staten Island, New York. She has an older brother, Michael. Mary Jane has always been heavily involved in the arts and now wants to focus herself on an acting career. Her father, Vincent, has always been very supportive of her decisions, but her mother really doesn’t understand what Mary Jane is doing with her life. She always thought Mary Jane would be the next lawyer of the family or maybe follow her brother big brother steps and become a civil engineer. She’s always been an honor student. Her performance in high school was incredible, even better than her brother. She was one of the top SAT’s scores of her class and it’s simply absurd to Carmela that her daughter would want to become an artist.

Mary Jane wants to go to school in California because she thinks she’s closer to bigger opportunities. She also wants go get away from New York for a while. Not because of her family or any type of problem, but because she wants to explore more as she’s never been to the west coast of the country. On top of that, she has been offered good scholarships that could cover the majority of the expenses. Her two best friends are also moving to California to follow their dreams and Carmela thinks she just wants to go their and have fun without any focus on her education. A few minutes before the picture was taken by her father, they were discussing about college application and what her mom thinks is best for her. Things got heated up and Vincent decided to take a picture of them just to see if everything calms down and they stop fighting. Carmela wasn’t in the mood so she decided to light up a cigarette and look away, while Mary Jane puts up a fake smile.

“Carmela I think you should get some rest and think about it. Its a big opportunity” said Vincent

“Why do you always tell me to get some rest like a baby?” replied Carmela

“Sorry its been a long day and you look tired”

“Yea lets just talk about this tomorrow I’m tired and not in the mood”

Carmela and Vincent walk out of the room and Mary Jane goes to bed.

The next day, Sunday, they all wake up at 7:30AM for breakfast at Mary Jane’s uncle restaurant. While they’re there, the big question pops up

“So, did you think about it Carmela?” said Vincent

“Oh my god dad can we please not” said Mary Jane

“Yes I thought about it actually, it’s not like I like the idea, but it is a great opportunity. You need to focus, because I’m only giving you one chance. And if you go, you need to finish, because we our not quitters in this family”

“Oh wow, she really thought about it!” said Vincent.

“Thanks mom”


Jose Padilla