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I Stopped Paying Attention to What Celebrities Wear, and It Changed My Life


In the social media age, few forces are more powerful than the words and actions of the famous and otherwise socially prominent. Kylie Jenner can wear something in one Instagram photo and that single item will see consumer demand go through the roof and not stop until it reaches federal airspace. Since I joined the various platforms in my rebellious middle school years, I too have been intoxicated by celebrity-driven fashion trends. I was all about that Boho when Kate Moss rocked it in the mid-2000’s. I couldn’t stop getting plastic surgery when Bruce Jenner began his metamorphosis. Call me a slave to the trends, I’d just call myself one of the millions who did the same. But now, I’ve decided to change my tune. I stopped paying attention to what celebrities wear, and it has changed my life.

Something you quickly realize when you stop following the “It” trends is that celebrities wear really expensive clothing. I mean EXPENSIVE. I couldn’t believe how much money I had in my bank account at the end of the first month! I could actually afford to buy myself a proper dinner in leu of my usual unseasoned rice and beans. Just by trading in my 2018 Fall Gucci line for some American Eagle, I was able to completely remove myself from my prior dependency on emergency room vitamin injections. That’s a whole new kind of living lavish, my friends. Between that and being able to move out of that musty commune I inhabited for the last five years into a new place with running water and fewer deadly snakes, I’d say I really have rediscovered what it means to live in luxury.

Another thing I noticed after stepping away from the hot trends is that a lot of celebrities wear some really stupid looking shit. It’s amazing how differently I can see these styles now that I can afford a prescription for my glasses. If Rhianna wants to go ahead and wear a burlap sack made into pants, then that’s her prerogative, but all of these dumb basics following her lead on social media look positively tragic. Apparently, an article of clothing worn by a celebrity does not immediately turn into the new sliced bread, and I now know that because I can afford sliced bread now and it’s much better than Jennifer Aniston’s high-waisted silken shorts.

I think what’s been the most important transformation for me since unfollowing my favorite celebrities and deifying their every style choice has been a discovery of something I never realized I had before: my own individuality. It sounds crazy, I didn’t even believe it until I started seeing my own face in the mirror and not Kim K’s with Emma Stone’s eyes and Eva Longoria’s luscious locks, but I’m starting to believe that we all could actually be capable of achieving some kind of higher state of mind and body in which we say, do, and wear things that express this new unique thing I’ve discovered (which I’m pretty sure we all possess) called personality. Since making this discovery, I’ve found myself significantly less inclined to laugh at things I don’t find funny and to hang out with people who I don’t like. I met a girl named Britney the other day, and we made plans to go practice archery tomorrow, because I recently realized that’swho I am!

I’d encourage all of you to follow my lead and unfollow that of your favorite celebs, because 100% cotton is lot more comfortable than burlap, affording basic human needs is cool, and this personality thing is pretty neat as well.

Alex Niemann