Wit-ness Halloween

It’s time to come clean about Halloween. Today, Halloween is about wit rather than what. It’s not about what you’re wearing, it’s about how witty or thoughtful your costume is. Whether you want to dress classy, wacky, slutty or scary, this year’s been full of inspiration.


Tide pods – A joke that went too far.

In December 2017, eating Tide Pods started off a weird joke, and by early 2018 it was an epidemic. You could dress up as a Tide Pod with a sign saying “eat me”.

Oceans 8

Halloween isn’t all about scary and slutty, it could even be classy. Oceans 8 saw some of the cheekiest performances by the leading ladies in Hollywood. Some of that glitz and glamor deserves a spot in Halloween.

Me Too

Whether you’re an “Anti-slut” or a “slut-who-never-asked-for-it” when you take a stand, people listen. Enough women have risen against the atrocities faced by those in power. Keep the wave going with a classy look for Halloween this year.  Or on the flipside, you could dress up as, Kevin Spacey, Louis CK, Harvey Weinstein or Morgan Freeman (be sure to tell people he didn’t really do anything).

Lebron & JR Smith  

All this costume needs is a partner in crime, 2 Cavs jerseys, and 1 fake beard. And you have successfully recreated one of the viral-est memes in Basketball history.

Dora Milaje (Black Panther)

Wakanda’s favorite bodyguard was a lot more than just a bodyguard. She stood for everything women would have been had we not lived in a patriarchal society. Either way, she was bold and beautiful. The clothes and jewelry only

Yodeling Boy

Whether you were annoyed or not, it’s time to remind the world about the boy stood up for what he believed and changed country music forever. He singlehandedly made everything you’ve ever done look good.


Tuhin Parhi