Robert’s Story (3 versions)

30 Seconds

Robert got his first F ever in his science assignment. He told his mom he got a B when she asked him how did it go. The next day, the professor announced parent teacher conference and Roberts mom was definitely going. That Friday at the parent teacher conference, Prof. Williams showed Roberts mom his exam. She told Robert that he should’ve told the truth about it. Now he’s grounded not because of the F, but because he lied about his grade.

1 minute

Robert got his first F ever in his science assignment. He thought his mom was going to kill him, he was very nervous, so He told her he got a B when she asked him how did it go. She was very happy about it,  so she took him out and bought him a gift.T he next day, the professor announced parent teacher conference and Roberts mom was definitely going. He didn’t know what to do. That day when he came back home, his mom noticed him a little bit weird and a little nervous. “Are you ok son?” She asked him. “Yes”, he responded, “Why?” “Oh nothing, it’s just me” she responded.  “Oh I got the email from school for the parent teacher conference” She said. That Friday at the parent teacher conference, Prof. Williams showed Roberts mom his exam. She told Robert that he should’ve told the truth about it. Now he’s grounded but not because of the F, but because he lied about it.


2 minutes


Robert got his first F ever in his science assignment. All of his friends passed with either an A or B. The first thought he had was that his mom was going to kill him. He was very nervous. That day when he came back home, his dad asked him how he did in his assignment. He told him the prof hasn’t give out the grade yet. “It’s been a while, are you sure she hasn’t give out the grade Robert?” his dad said. “No dad I promise”. Robert responded. The next day his mom asked him how he did on it, and he told her he got a B on it. She was very happy about it, so she took him out and bought him a gift. The next day, the professor announced parent teacher conference and Roberts mom was definitely going to be there. He didn’t know what to do. That day when he came back home, his mom noticed him a little bit weird and a little nervous. “Are you ok son?” She asked him. “Yes”, he responded, “Why?” “You look nervous and you haven’t said a word since you got home. You also haven’t eaten and usually you come home very hungry” she responded.  “Oh I also got the email from school for the parent teacher conference” She said. That Friday at the parent teacher conference, Prof. Williams showed Roberts mom his assignment.

She told Robert that he should’ve told the truth about it. Now he’s grounded but not because of the F, but because he lied about it.

“It’s not the first time you lie” she told Robert

“But mom it was really hard” he responded

“Yes but I could’ve helped you out, and besides, I’m not mad because you didn’t pass, is because you keep lying and that’s not good. The truth always comes out at the end”

Robert started to cry.

“Don’t worry son, everything’s going to be ok, hopefully you’ll learn your lesson”

“Sooo, Im not grounded?” Robert asked

“Oh yes you are, until you prove to me that I can trust you again”

Jose Padilla