
As they give the last touches to the robot, Mark and Steve are very happy with the result. This was the next big thing. This robot I going to help people with their basic needs at home.

“Lets take a break” said Steve

“Yes we’ve been on this for 5 hours, wanna go eat?”

“Yes I’m starving”

As they hop in Mark’s car, they notice the lights of the laboratory were turned off.

“Thats weird” said Mark, as they both walk back to the lab.

“Oh my god Mark RUN!!” screamed Steve, as the big robot had turned into a monster and was destroying the laboratory.

Police arrived and started shooting the robot but nothing would happened.

“Steve you need to disconnect everything  or else is just going to get worst!”

As more police arrive to the scene, while Mark distracted the robot, Steve disconnected everything and the robot turned off.

Jose Padilla