
My Sixth Grade Teacher Was An Alien

We all had this gnawing suspicion that there was something really odd about our sixth-grade teacher, Mr. Dobbs. When Jamie, the autistic kid in class, and Mr. Dobbs disappeared the same day everyone was confounded. The latest rumor says Mr. Dobbs was an alien and took Jamie for research.


Legend has it, he fell from the stars, a gift to all mankind. With that type of power, I don’t know why we were so trusting in something we didn’t even understand. The series of events that lead to the end of us all could have been avoided altogether.

The Heist

The government of Nigeria just commissioned the use of AI spiders to guard the new oil pipelines. Adenike was unaware of this fact. His team ran into a dozen of these arthropod death machines. How they were able to still able to pull it off is the stuff of legends.

He Deals Death

Technology ruled every part of our lives, the issues that once plagued mankind were no longer an obstacle: disease, poverty, and even death were no longer threats. What more could anyone ever ask for? One day Quince nearly drowned on a fishing trip off the coast of Tennessee. Although he survived, he had experienced something no one else had for years, he saw death. The experience was exhilarating! It changed how he looked at the world around him. He yearned to know what lies beyond this life. Quince was eager to taste death again. One day a note was slipped under his door with a single name and a number. When he got off the phone his hands were trembling, no longer was death an obsession, it was finally possible. Quince embarked on his final journey; that day, Quince left home and was never seen or heard from ever again.

The Lost Ones

What once stood magnificent buildings and fauna as far as the eye could see, now stood massive monuments of trash. A small group of survivors set out to orbit in space until the world we once knew was once again inhabitable. They left behind a team of robots whose sole job was to scour the earth in search of any signs of organic life. After generations stuck in orbit, the captain of the spaceship finally received a signal; one of the bots had discovered a seedling growing in a remote part of what was once a massive jungle. Giddy at the prospect of finally returning home he hit the alarm to signal the rest of the crew that their time to reclaim their home had finally come. Everyone gathered around a massive screen to see the live footage. For the very first time, home didn’t quite seem so far away.

Denzel Currie