
The promised land

I have not seen any type of blue sky for the past 10 years, and I miss it. I miss the clouds and the scary summer storms and that thunder that broke the sky many times. I miss the rain and our warm sunset sun.  I miss walking between crooked palm trees. I miss everything, I miss my home, my planet, my earth.  It is a pity that my ancestors decided to ruin the only paradise that will ever exist in this galaxy. Now, in my new world, Mars, life is no longer the same. There is no green, no torrential rains, and the sun burns too much, and the rivers are full of lava, and the little amount of water we have is saved for every chihuahua. I live on a planet were chihuahuas drink the only clean water  and the rest we drink whatever we found, mixed with a little bit of ash…

Patricia Arguelles