Sci-Fi Ethan Vink


The dream was always the same; cold metal table, blinding lights and voices, so many voices. Steve would wake up shivering and sweating at the same time. For as long as he could remember, the dream was always the same.

Something felt odd this June morning. Steve couldn’t put his finger on it, but something was amiss. The weather was warm but the sky was grey and cold looking. Work went OK but his boss was in a foul mood and the customers were more demanding than usual.

Steve burned dinner and was out of beer so he decided to call it a night. Shortly after falling asleep it began, the dream. The voices were louder than remembered. He struggled to wake up but couldn’t. They were everywhere now, creatures with no mouths screaming at him, smothering him. This was not a dream and Steve would not be waking up.



Abbie had always wanted to see Egypt but now to be mapping the great pyramids was more than she could have ever imagined. It was day two and they were about to unearth a brand new chamber.

Once inside, the team began looking around. What was this room that looked so different from the others? There were strange metal boxes that looked like computers, but how could that be? Abbie brushed the dust off one and jumped back when it began to vibrate. This is not possible, she thought.

Suddenly the whole room was vibrating and humming. The stone around her started caving in and the door out was blocked. The vibrating turned into a shudder and the humming to a roar.

Outside the pyramid, the tourists could not believe their eyes. They pyramid was rising into the sky and just like that it shot into space and was gone.



“Space, the final frontier”, he remembered hearing that phrase in an old TV show once. Now as he floated high above the earth he laughed to think those words were once true. This was his 4th trip to try and find an oxygen rich planet, Earth was dying and so would he. “Come home, I have a plan”, was her cryptic message. Leo turned the ship around and headed back.

When he walked into the lab she was sitting atop a giant water tank, covered in a weird shiny substance. Suddenly it was as if her skin began to morph. She lowered herself into the tank without an oxygen tank. He looked closely and could see her flesh was covered in scales, like a fish. An hour later she emerged smiling.

“Ocean, the final frontier”, she said proudly. The answer is not up there, it is down there. Let’s Go!

Ethan Vink